
All event times are displayed based on America/Chicago timezone.
/ Fighter Practice
Audubon Park
Fighters, it's time to armor up and hone your skills! Not a fighter? Bring a chair and a project to work on. Join us as we as we host Baronial Fighter and Rapier practice at…
Sun, 15 Oct,  02:00 PM
/ Fighter Practice
Audubon Park
Fighters, it's time to armor up and hone your skills! Not a fighter? Bring a chair and a project to work on. Join us as we as we host Baronial Fighter and Rapier practice at…
Sun, 22 Oct,  02:00 PM
Audubon Park
It's the weekend before Samhain. This would be a nice way for everyone to gather and finish projects while our fighters get some last minute practice in. Potluck style for folks to have munchies, bring…
Sun, 22 Oct,  02:00 PM
/ Business Meeting
We meet twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Sundays to conduct Baronial business. We are making every effort to find a location that will allow more of our membership to attend these important…
Sun, 22 Oct,  06:00 PM
Meeman-Shelby State Forest (Piersol)
Galicia is the region in northeast Spain which is considered to be the seventh Celtic nation. It also holds the city of Santiago de Compostella, the target of pilgrimages since the 9th century. Come join…
Fri, 27 Oct - 29 Oct
/ Fighter Practice
Audubon Park
Fighters, it's time to armor up and hone your skills! Not a fighter? Bring a chair and a project to work on. Join us as we as we host Baronial Fighter and Rapier practice at…
Sun, 29 Oct,  02:00 PM
/ Fighter Practice
Audubon Park
Fighters, it's time to armor up and hone your skills! Not a fighter? Bring a chair and a project to work on. Join us as we as we host Baronial Fighter and Rapier practice at…
Sun, 05 Nov,  02:00 PM
/ Business Meeting
We meet twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Sundays to discuss and conduct Baronial Business. New Meeting Time & Location! 6:00 pm Lenny's Sub Shop - 700 Mt Moriah Rd, Memphis, TN Zoom…
Sun, 05 Nov,  06:00 PM
Benjamin Hooks Central Library
Curious about what spices were available and their uses in period? Ever consider the part spice trades played in cultural diversity? Come join us as we travel through history along the many trade routes and…
Sat, 11 Nov,  02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
/ Fighter Practice
Audubon Park
Fighters, it's time to armor up and hone your skills! Not a fighter? Bring a chair and a project to work on. Join us as we as we host Baronial Fighter and Rapier practice at…
Sun, 12 Nov,  02:00 PM