Baroness Elizabeth Alexandra Donnan

Baroness Elizabeth Alexandra Donnan

Baroness Elizabeth Alexandra Donnan


Baroness Elizabeth has been a member of the SCA for 30 years. She became a member of the Grand Chefs of Meridies in 2003. In 2005, after Gleann Abhann became a Kingdom in its own right, she helped establish a chapter in her new kingdom, where she has since acted as Secretary for the Grand Chefs of Gleann Abhann. She has been cooking since she was 7, but didn't find a passion for it until she began researching her first cookery project in the SCA. She enjoys linking the historical past to many of the foods we enjoy today. At events, you are most likely to find her in the kitchen. She believes in the "Food is Love" philosophy, and loves to teach and mentor anyone interested in cooking.
Upcoming Events
Sat, 11 Nov,  02:00 PM - 04:00 PM